Miyo Tominaga is a tanka poet. She was born on August 6, 1918 in Nagano Prefecture and studied tanka and shodo in Japan. She moved to Quebec in 1987 and was the instructor of a tanka study group in Montreal in the 1990s and a long-time member of the ASUKA tanka group now dissolved. She was also the founder and selector of group members for the tanka group, FUBI and also made selections of tanka for the Bulletin Kadan, a readers column on tanka for the Japanese community paper, the Montreal Bulletin.
She published her own tanka with such titles as Shiroki Rentai (“White Solidarity”) and Jika no kasai ni yomeru (“Poetry about my House Fire”) and in the three-volumed tanka group anthology Tsuburami (“Round Little Fruit”). In 1990, she was given the winning prize for tanka presentation in the Emperor of Japan Ceremony for the 70th Year of the Meiji Shrine Festival.
TAGS: Literary Arts Traditional Arts| tanka | Japanese language | Poetry | Quebec | shodo