Generation: Issei
Born August 20, 1935, Utsunomiya, Japan
Died January 2022
Tatsuo Kage is the author of Nikkei Kanadajin no Tsuiho, translated into English as Uprooted Again: Japanese Canadians Move to Japan After World War II by Kathleen Chisato Merken. Born in Japan, Kage studied German history in Japan and Germany, eventually becoming an academic specializing in European political and diplomatic history. Kage worked as a Professor of Political Science and European History in Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, before immigrating to Vancouver, Canada, in 1975, where he became acquainted with generations of Japanese Canadians through community activities for the Japanese Canadian centennial and later the Redress movement, for which Kage acted as a translator and interpreter for the Issei. He became interested in Japanese Canadian exiles when visiting Japan in 1989 as part of a delegation from the Canadian government and the National Association of Japanese Canadians that was sent to explain the redress settlement to Japanese Canadians exiled to Japan and help them to apply for compensation.
Kage’s numerous publications include Nachizumu no Taito (Rise of Nazism), (Iwanami World History Series, vol. 27, 1971), Nikkei Kanadajin no Tsuihou (Exiled Japanese Canadians), (Akashi Shoten Publishers, Tokyo, 1998) , Uprooted Again: Japanese Canadians Move to Japan after World War II, (Ti Jean Press, Victoria, 2012) and Migration, Displacement, and Redress: A Japanese Canadian Perspective (Electromagnetic Print, November 2020)
Kage volunteered within numerous Japanese Canadian organizations and has been awarded the National Merit Award from the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC); the Certificate of Outstanding Service from the People’s Law School, Vancouver; the Dr. Gordon Hirabayashi Human Rights Award, and the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. He continues to offer editorial assistance to the Bulletin news magazine, particularly in translating, and was a member of the NAJC Honorary Advisory Council.
TAGS: Literary Arts| history | Japanese language | non-fiction | translation