Cindy Mochizuki creates multi-media installation, animation, drawing, audio fiction, performance, and community-engaged projects. She has exhibited her work in Canada, US, Australia, and Japan. Recent exhibitions include the Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver Art Gallery, Burrard Arts Foundation, Richmond Art Gallery, Frye Art Museum, and Yonago City Museum. In 2015, she received the Vancouver’s Mayor’s Arts Award in New Media and Film and in 2020, she received the Jack and Doris Shadbolt Foundation for the Visual Arts VIVA Award. She has worked as a scenographer, projection designer and dramaturge for theatre and dance companies including Theatre Replacement, Dream Walker Dance Company, Lisa Mariko Gelley, Carousel Theatre For Young People, and the Arts Club Theatre. Her drawings and illustrations appear in books by Rita Wong, Shirley Camia, David Chariandy, and Colin Browne. Her children’s book Things on the Shoreline on salt ink creatures and slow creative process was published with Access Artist Run Centre in 2016.
TAGS: Visual Arts| performance | contemporaryart | illustration | installation | multimedia | storytelling