Daniel Teramura is a Toronto-based architect and partner at Moriyama & Teshima. He has been with the firm since 1986, and worked on many of their high-profile projects such as the Saudi Arabia National Museum, Lakehead University’s New LEED Platinum Academic Building, and Vari Hall at York University. His specialty is architecture for higher education, and he has helped to develop Moriyama & Teshima’s international reputation for designing places of learning. In addition to Lakehead’s new LEED Platinum building, which was awarded the Ontario Association of Architects Award for Design Excellence, he has led projects at more than 22 universities around Canada and the world; other innovative projects among these include the Queen’s University Teaching Space Complex and Dalhousie University’s Inter-professional Health Education Building. He has also been involved in over 60 award-winning projects with Moriyama & Teshima over the years.
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