Masako Fukawa

Region: Vancouver British Columbia
Generation: Sansei
Prince Rupert British Columbia


Masako Fukawa (nee Shinde) is a Sansei educator and writer. Born in Prince Rupert BC, she was removed from Steveston and relocated to the ghost town of Greenwood. Returned to Steveston in 1951, attended UBC, the University of Michigan, University of Victoria and taught in Japan and in Nanaimo. She developed resources for teachers and students in the BC school system, the Nikkei National Museum and the City of Richmond Museum; and maintains a website:  She is the principal writer/editor of Nikkei Fishermen on the BC Coast:  Their Biographies and Photographs (2007) and Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet:  BC’s Japanese Canadian Fishermen (2009). Her articles have been published in Nikkei Images, the Journal of the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre, The Bulletin*, A Journal of the Japanese Canadian community, history & culture, and in Taiji on Distant Shore, (Taiji Historical Archives, Japan). She co-authored Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War (2011), a book for young readers.